School Improvement
The Shree Bageshwori Primary School has 56 students (30 boys and 26 girls) in Grade Nursery to grade five and six teachers. The building was heavily damaged during the earthquake. With donor support, four out of five classrooms have been renovated but more needs to be done. This is why Jhigu Palaa is starting a new project.
The project will consist of three phases. During phase one, the classroom walls will be renovated, new child friendly furnature will be purchased and a design will be made for the remaining renovation work. Jhigu Palaa will fund this first phase.
Phases two and three will include improvement of the drinking water supply and tolets, and the renovation of the fifth classroom and entrance path. We hope that Jhigu Palaa together with its partner NGO Mitra Path in the USA will be able to fund these two phases as well.
For this project, Jhigu Palaa works closely together with a Nepali Non Profit Jhigo Mitra, to ensure that the implementation is done efficiently and with as low overhead as possible.